Diesel Emission Test Stands

Ricardo | Burr Ridge, IL | 2003 Engineering Excellence Honor Award

In October of 2000, independent engineering technology firm Ricardo announced a test cell expansion project at its 21,500-ft2 (2000-m2) Chicago Technical Center (CTC), located in Burr Ridge, IL. The $4.8 million project adds two new heavy duty emissions test cells designed for developing engines to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 2007 emissions requirements.

The first phase of the project added heavy-duty engine transient testing to the company's existing Test Cell 2. This phase included a new full dilution constant volume sampling tunnel, dilute exhaust analytical instrumentation, and upgraded engine and dynamometer control software meeting the requirements of the U.S. On-highway Federal Test Procedure and
other transient emissions cycles.

Phase two of the expansion added Test Cell 3, which is specified as a 750-hp (560-kW) heavy-duty transient cell sharing phase-one emissions equipment, and Test Cell 4, a 600-hp (448-kW) heavy-duty engine development cell with transient drive-cycle capability and dual line raw gas emissions. The dynamometers in these cells have a capacity of 800 and 620 hp (600 and 460 kW), respectively, for other types of testing. Prior to these two new test cells, the tech center was performing certification- quality emissions testing of heavy-duty engines up to 500 hp (373 kW).

The largest supplier of equipment to the test cells is Schenck through two of its divisions: the dynamometers have been supplied by Schenck Pegasus, and the control and data-acquisition hardware and software by Interautomation. The emissions equipment was supplied by Horiba, including new raw gas emissions benches that are suitable for both on- and off-highway work as well as some upgrades to the dilute CVS particulate measurement system. Project design engineering and construction services were provided by Emprise.
