Emprise can provide complete PC-based data acquisition systems for recording anemometer data along with other signals such as temperatures and pressures.

Data Acquisition Systems

The Emprise Anemometer Data Acquisition and Display Suite (ADADS) is a turn-key solution for acquiring data from Emprise Anemometers. The custom developed LabVIEW application provides real-time monitoring, recording, and analysis of data. The program runs on a Windows 7 computer and streams data from the Emprise DAQ signal-conditioning unit via Ethernet. The ADADS software is intuitive and simple to use. The software provides an array-interface for specifying the relative position of each anemometer.


Arrays can contain from 1 to 48 anemometers. Users specify the dimensions of the array by the number of rows and columns. Simply select an individual anemometer from the array to open the calibration screen and enter its calibration coefficients. The software automatically tracks the calibration due dates and informs the operator when it is time to renew the calibrations.


Velocity data comes in several different graphical formats including 3-D surface plots, bar graphs and strip charts, all in real-time! All data can be stored to the hard drive for off line analysis and playback.


The 3-D surface plot above shows the air velocity across the array. The X and Y axes are the columns and rows of the anemometer array, the Z axis is the air velocity. The surface represents the interpolated air velocity between anemometer measurements.

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